This quarantine thing is really starting to grow on me. Despite the circumstances, it’s been kind of fun to have so much control over my schedule. The high key planner in me is having the time of her life. For whatever reason, if this isn’t the case for you or if you are looking some ideas, here’s a few places to get started.
1. Plan rest time
I know it seems weird that I'm putting this first but its because I have learnt the value of rest the hard way. Overworking is the best way to burn out and lose motivation. If you're thinking, "well, I have the opposite problem: I take too much rest time." I have some tips for that too. But there's a huge difference between guiltily avoiding all your work and giving yourself actual permission to rest. The latter is what I'm promoting here. Scheduled rest times are times where you are completely detached from work and the only thing that you should be thinking about is how to enjoy your time with whatever you feel like doing.
Especially at this time, it is essential to set boundaries so we're not carrying our work and stress into our sleep, meals and everything else we're doing. When you're at your workplace, it can feel easier to close off the day from work and retreat to your home, but when you work in the same place you eat, sleep and rest, it can be challenging. Challenging - but not impossible. I can think of at least three ways to make it happen.
The first is setting physical boundaries. This can mean setting up a desk, or reorganizing the house to make an office out of one room or one corner. Your work stays there, and when you're done you don't take it into the bedroom or living room. I would also suggest making your work space as isolated as possible so you are free from distractions and can focus as you normally would. Let anyone who lives with you know that its your workplace so that they know not to interrupt you too much.
Not all of us have the luxury of extra space in the house, which is why in addition to still trying to keep your work in one place, you should also set time boundaries. If you would normally work from 8-5, keep it that way and don't suddenly start working late into the night because you can. Have a reminder on your phone if it helps, and once your time is up for the day, shut of your computer, take a walk outside or in the house or make dinner. Whatever you need to do to say "work is done."
Another way, I set time limits on work is by scheduling in full days of rest. I also try to do this when I'm in college with normal classes by taking every Sunday off to sleep in, go to church, watch a movie or go out. It may also be worth it to try to schedule the same rest time as any family members you live with so you can enjoy each other's company!
2. Plan a morning and night routine
You probably already have a morning and night routine, but given the extra time you can definitely try to get creative and work on the small habits you've been wanting to develop. If you’re going to start with one, I definitely recommend working on a night routine. Sometimes we forget this but the key to a good morning routine is actually what you do the night before- it determines what time you wake up, how well you sleep and how you feel when you wake up. It’s worth it to think about what things would help you have a good night routine. Don’t expect something to work just because you saw someone else doing it. Think about what you usually struggle with and want to improve, what calms you down and helps you sleep better, what stresses you out that you want to stay away from for the one hour before you sleep. If you’re not sure where to start, this article has some good ideas. Currently my night routine hasn’t really changed because it feels pretty solid and sets me up for a successful morning. I shut off my phone and laptop an hour before I sleep and use the rest of the time to read, stretch and get ready for bed. I also play my night time playlist to really get me in the mood!
3. Dress up how you normally would
I'm not sure this requires an explanation. I think the way we dress has a huge impact on our mood, self-image and ability to be productive. The more effort we put into how we look each day, the more we want to carry that same effort into the work we do. It will also help set context for our brains: "work clothes means work,""pajamas mean rest." Since all I have in my suitcase are clothes I packed for Spain, I've been a bit over dressed in skirts and dresses. But you know what, it makes the house feel like summer and gets the work done so I might keep doing this whenever I work from home.
At the very least, remind yourself to change out of pajamas!
4. Try to have communal meals
One thing I noticed about working from home is that despite being home, it can still be an effort to take a break to spend time with family or friends (whether or nor they are people you live with). Sometimes, I get too wrapped up in what I'm doing and by the time I'm done and ready to rest, everyone else has already gotten back to work. I think a good way to be intentional about this is to get into the habit of having food with people. Decide a time when you would all like to have lunch and dinner and stick to it. This will also help force you into taking breaks (if you're someone who needs it) and ensures your day won't feel too "isolated." If you're living alone, you can also make this happen by scheduling a time to videocall a friend or family member each day and enjoy a meal together.
It's important to make time for checking in on people so even if you can't do this for meals, try to include it during your free time.
I like this quote from The WHO : "Supporting other people in your community can help you as much as it does them. Check in on neighbors, family and friends. Compassion is a medicine."
5. Set an intention
Setting intentions is a great way to start your day whether or not you are working at home. But with the current crisis and all the uncertainty that can overwhelm our days, I believe it's even more important to put effort in taking initiative and living each day with purpose. Setting an intention does not have to be such a great spiritual ordeal if you don't want it to be. You can just spend one minute every morning while brushing your teeth to think about what kind of day you would like to have.
An intention isn't a goal or a task to be completed; it's a quality or state that can benefit you. While goals are focused on what you want to do, intentions are more focused on what you want to be. It can be as limitless as you want. For example, your intention can be to "to be compassionate and loving towards others" or "to make the people around me smile." Having an intention to tap into throughout the day can also provide you a source of inspiration and drive for the work (or rest!) you do. Think about your intention, and do your best to stick to it. At the very least, you will have a more accomplished day to look back on. Some examples of intentions: I intend to be calm. I intent to be patient and forgiving to myself and others. I intend to be balanced and set healthy boundaries. I intend to be kind. I intend to be less fearful, more loving. I intend to be grateful.
6. Exercising at home
Last but definitely not least is planning movement time! I think this is probably when we all wish we had invested in at home exercise or gym equipment. It may be a good idea to order a mat or jump rope online - but to be honest, its not even necessary anymore, thanks to the beauty of the internet. Since the day lockdown was announced, my page has been being bombarded with new at-home workouts and routines every day. Whether or not you were a regular gym-goer, you are probably getting a lot less movement in your day. If we don't' account for this we will feel the difference in our backs and joints - but also in our productivity. Keep yourself engaged in a movement activity by varying it a bit; try different kinds of YouTube videos like yoga, Zumba, pilates, HIIT etc.
Two of my favorite FREE apps for at home workouts are the Nike Training Club and Fiton.
In most areas, its also safe to go outside to walk at least once a day. Taking a walk around your block is also a good idea to get some fresh air. Just like how you would probably do regularly, I would suggest exercising at the same time everyday (to make sure you move at least once) but also take breaks to move around when you feel like it.
A clever hack is also to make time to reorganize the house and do some cleaning everyday; it will get your body moving and make you feel even more accomplished! Stay home, and stay healthy!
