ፓስታ በአትክልት አዘገጃጀት
በአንድ ድስት የሚያልቅና ለቁርስ ምሳ እራትም የሚሆን ምግብ ነው:: ሁሌም ወጥቤት ቢሆነኝ በየሳምንቱ የምሰራው ቶፉ ፍርፍር ነው!

ፓስታ (ማንኛውም አይነት)
1 ሽንኩርት
2-3 ቲማቲም
1-2 ዙኪኒ
2 ኩባያ እንጉዳይ
4 የሾርባ ማንክያ ቲማቲም ድልህ
1 የሻይ ማንክያ የተፈጨ ነጭ ሽንኩርት
1 የሻይ ማንክያ የተፈጨ ዝንጅብል
1 የሻይ ማንክያ ኮረሪማ
1 የሻይ ማንክያ በርበሬ
1 የሻይ ማንክያ ጨው
1 የሻይ ማንክያ ቁንዶ በርበሬ
ሽንኩርቱን ከትፎ ከዘይት: ዝንጅብል: ነጭ ሽንኩርት: ኮረሪማ: ጨውና ቁንዶ በርበሬው ጋ ማቁላላት:: ቲማቲሙን ከትፎ እያማሰሉ መጨመር::
ፓስታውን ለምያስፈልገው ግዜ ከውሃ ጋ መጣድ::
ዙኪኒውንና እንጉዳይውን ከትፎ እያማሰሉ መጨመር::
ለ15 ደቂቃ ወይንም እስኪለሰልስ አትክልቱን አብስሎ የቲማቲም ድልህውን መጨመር::
ለተጨማሪ 10-15 ደቂቃ ማንተክተክ::
ለማቅረብ:- ፓስታዉን ከስልሱ ጋ ማደባለቅ ወይንም ለይቶ አቅርቦ የተረፈውን ፍሪጅ ውስጥ ማቆየት::

አማራጭ:- ፓስታውን ከተጨማሪ አትክልት ጋ መመገብ ይቻላል ይሄ ከበሰለ ጎመን ጋ ነው::
Veggie Pasta Recipe
I love making healthy versions of classic meals because it allows you to add as much variety as you want and discover new combinations. This spaghetti recipe works with any kind of pasta and any kind of vegetable. I usually use protein dense pasta (like lentil or chickpea) and whatever vegetable is in the kitchen.

What you will need:
pasta of any kind
1 onion
2-3 tomatoes
1-2 zucchini
2 cups mushrooms
4 tbsp tomato paste
to season:
1 tsp crushed garlic
1 tsp crushed ginger
1 tsp coriander
1 tsp salt and pepper
1 tsp berbere (optional)
Dice the onions and cook over a pan with a glaze of oil. Add the garlic, ginger, coriander, berbere, salt and pepper.
Let the pasta cook according to its appropriate instructions.
Dice the tomatoes and stir them into the pan as well. Chop the zucchini and mushrooms and stir them in next.
Let everything cook for 15 minutes or until soft, then add tomato paste. Boil for an additional 10-15 minutes.
To serve: mix the sauce with the pasta, drained or keep the two separate to store left over sauce!

Optional: You can serve the spaghetti with additional greens. I used sautéed kale.
All recipes feed 1-2 people and are ideally designed for meal prep. So you can control the portions as much as you like by adding or subtracting an ingredient. For instance, if you already have a lot vegetables in the kitchen for your meals, you might not prep that much kale and just use those instead. If you have none, you can make as much sauce or kale to save it for later use, combine it with another meal etc.