አትክልት በሩዝ አዘገጃጀት
አዘጋጅቶ ለማቆየትም የሚመችና ለጾምም ለፍስክ ግዜ አበጂ ጣፋጭና ቀላል አዘገጃጀት:: የሄንን የምሰራው ባብዛኛው ግዜ ቤት ውስጥ ባገኘሁት ነገር ጤናማ ምሳ ለማዘጋጀት ነው::

ዱባ ወይንም ማንኛውም አትክልት (ዙኪኒ: ካሮት: ደበርጃን: ስኳር ድንች የመሳሰለ)
1-2 ኩባያ ሽንብራ ዱቤ
1 ራስ ጎመን (ወይንም ሌላ አረንጓዴ ቅጠል)
1 ኩባያ ሩዝ
የሽንኩርት ግማሽ
1 የሻይ ማንክያ የተፈጨ ነጭ ሽንኩርት
1 የሻይ ማንክያ የተፈጨ ዝንጅብል
ቁንዶ በርበሬ
ዱባውን አሳንሶ መክተፍ:: ቀጥሎ ከዘይት: ጨውና ቁንዶ በርበሬ ጋር ማደባለቅ:: ሽምብራዉንም ከዘይትና ሚጥሚጣ ጋ ማደባለቅ::
መጋገርያ ውስጥ ከቶ ለ10 ደቂቃ ከላይ(broil) ለ10 ደቂቃ ከስር(bake) ማብሰል::
ሩዙን ከ2 ኩባያ ዉሃ ጋ ለ20 ደቂቃ ማብሰል::
ሽንኩርቱን ከትፎ ከነጭ ሽንኩርት: ዝንጅብል: ጨውና: ቁንዶ በርበሬ ጋር አብሮ ማቁላላት:: ጎመኑ ከትፎ መጨመርና ለ15 ደቂቃ ማብሰል::
ለማቅረብ: ሩዝ አትክልትና ሽንብራውን በሰሀን ማደባለቅ:: ለማቆየት በትለያየ ዕቃ ድባቦቹን ገልብጦ ፍሪጅ ውስጥ ማስቀመጥ (ለሳምንት የሃል)::

አማራጭ: አትክልቶ ሲበስል በተለየ ትሪ ዓሳ መጋገርና አብሮ ማቅረብ:: ዓሳ ሳዘገጅ በዘይት: ሎሚና : የስጋ መጥበሻ ቅጠል እዘፈዝፈዋለው::
Grain Bowl Recipe
A yummy and easy recipe that's perfect for meal prep! Can be made both vegan or non-vegan. This is one I make for when I'm trying to create a wholesome meal with whatever I have lying around.

What you will need:
squash [or any other roastable veggie in your fridge]
1-2 cups chickpeas [or beans]
a head of leafy greens (usually kale)
1 cup rice
to season:
half an onion
crushed garlic
crushed ginger
mitmita or ground chilli pepper
salt and pepper
Slice the squash or vegetable into bite-size pieces. Mix with a drizzle of olive oil, pinch of salt and pepper.
Mix the chickpeas with oil and a tablespoon (or as much as you can handle) of mitmita. Broil for 10 minutes, bake for another 10.
As the veggies are baking, you can prepare the rice and kale. Place 1 cup of rice and 2 cups of water into a pan and let cook for 20 minutes.
Dice the onion, and stir in a pan with a few drops of olive oil. Season with salt, pepper and 1 teaspoon of crushed garlic and ginger. Once the onions become soft, add in the kale, chopped. Cook for about 15 minutes.
To serve: mix the rice, baked vegetables, chickpeas and kale in a bowl. Store them in seperate containers and refrigerate for up to a week.

Optional: You can also bake salmon (or another animal protein) on a separate tray and serve it. I will usually marinate the salmon in lemon, oil and rosemary.
Serving suggestion: half an avocado.