Thank you to every one who has shown so much enthusiasm and positivity for the #DailyDisciplineChallenge. I am so excited for us.
If you have not yet read about the Daily Discipline Challenge, wyd? (Click the link to find out what I am talking about!)

Since many of you have asked, I am sharing the list I came up with for things to do. The reason why I didn't share this right away is because I didn’t want you to think you had to just do the things on this list. Like I said, all of us have different challenges so to get the most out of this, we should do the things are challenging to us personally.
That being said, I know 30 things can seem like a lot to come up with. So if you feel like you could only find 10-15, maybe this list will help :)
For now, here are 60 things I came up with. You can chose all 30 from here or add your own. And you can chose the range that you want to be challenged. Some things are a lot more challenging than others so try to mix it up.
Chose the ones that are for you.
Chose the ones that resonate with you, that make you smile or maybe even make your heart race a little.
1. Call someone you have fallen out with in the past and apologize to them
2. Ask a stranger if you can give them a hug
3. Eat a food you hate
4. Drink something you don’t like or go to a bar/restaurant and tell the waiter “surprise me”
5. Take a cold shower
6. Go to a fitness class
7. Where a really bold outfit or something you would never wear
8. Open up to someone about something hard
9. Open up to a stranger about something deep
10. Do 100 squats or push-ups or sit-ups for no reason
11. Move everything in your room and rearrange it... if you don’t like it, put it back
12. Start a conversation with someone you wouldn’t normally speak to
13. Sit and write down 10 decade goals and how you will work on them, then tell someone what your decade goals are
14. For a whole day, carry a journal and write an apology with a compliment to yourself every time you say/think something negative about yourself
15. Go on YouTube and search “how to make ____ from scratch” and then make it (a poster/a meal/a website/a logo/a painting/a gift etc)
16. Call your mom/dad and tell them how much you love them
17. Try a sport you have never done before
18. Take a dance class
19. Jump into water with clothes on
20. Go running in public
21. Eat in public by yourself
22. Go to an Indian/Ethiopian restaurant and ask for the spiciest thing on the menu
23. Ask someone that knows you well to criticize your bad habits/tell you what things you should get better at. Thank them.
24. Go somewhere you’ve never been before without using GPS
25. Go zip lining/sky diving/ cliff diving/ sledding
26. Model in public
27. Buy lunch/ dinner for a homeless person or take them to dinner and listen to their story
28. Donate money to the next charity/fundraiser you see
29. Try a new food
30. Ride a bike around the city/town where you live
31. Hold a spider or other insect
32. Watch a movie in a language you don’t understand without subtitles
33. Pay for the person behind you at the drive-through
34. Plant a tree or a flower
35. Go the whole day without complaining
36. Donate blood
37. Buy an inspirational book for someone who needs it
38. Ask to pet people’s pets
39. Create a vision board
40. Listen to an entire album you dislike (without skipping songs)
The next ones are appropriate for college students but anyone can use them.
40. Write positive messages for people in your dorm and leave them outside their door
41. Go to a class you have never taken before and ask the professor if you can sit in /participate
42. Go one day without checking emails/social media
43. Find a job or internship or opportunity online and finish applying to it in one day
44. Meditate or pray for 30-60mins (use a timer or video)
45. Be the first person to speak in a class/discussion
46. Stay after class to give your professor feedback (what you like about the class and what they could improve)
47. Run for a leadership position just because
48. Go to a game/meet and cheer for everyone on the team even if you don’t know them (you can go with friends)

49. Join a protest group/march
50. Write an article for a campus publication
The next ones are appropriate if you have a job, but anyone can use them.
51. Go out to lunch with a coworker you don’t know well and get to know them
52. Volunteer to help with an event/project at work
53. Commit to learning a new skill in a day
54. Ask for a promotion (even being rejected is a skill that takes discipline)
55. Ask your boss what things you could do better/ how you can contribute more to the workplace
56. Ask to take leadership on a project/ meeting / presentation
57. Buy fruit for everyone at work to enjoy
58. Read the entire employee handbook
59. Plan a morning routine and execute it
60. Wake up two hours earlier than you normally do to have time to yourself before work.

To everyone that said 30 things is way too much... I’ve actually been doing some research and I found people who do this for 100 days or 365 days out of the year! I know that sounds insane to some of us but it's interesting why we are so fast to limit and underestimate ourselves.
Anyway, I’ve linked some amazing and inspiring people and resources below that you should definitely check out.
Hello Fear:
100 things to get out of your comfort zone:
Ways to get out of your comfort zone: